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Connecting to Ancient Sea Island Continuum

How to reach out and celebrate with us

We encourage solitaries, visitors, or those curious to learn more about Earth-centered beliefs to attend our celebrations and participate in their planning. We also have a Facebook group, which requires a simple registration to gain access. There, you can safely meet the other members of ASIC and learn more about this path.
You can also find us at Sunday worship services and community service projects at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Beaufort on Lady's Island, South Carolina. To learn more about UUFB, visit the Resources page on the top menu. 
Much of our activity occurred before the pandemic, and our worship and community meetings have yet to energize to previous levels of experiences.  However, you will find other ways in ASIC to engage your Pagan leanings beyond meetings. For example, in addition to environmental and social justice activities, ASIC's community service includes Pagan Prison Ministry, where ASIC's volunteers venture into state correctional institutions to support Pagan-identified inmates. 
And yes, we hope to gather again socially!  
Consider your respect for the Sea Islands, desire to live in a better community, and hope to transform the world with a dedicated spiritual purpose. Whether you identify as a Pagan, Heathen, Wiccan, Druid, Asatru, or Animist, we encourage you to contact us through the form below and learn how you can help grow modern Paganism. We're here to support you on your personal Pagan path.

Let’s Create and Worship Together

Get in touch so we can build the Pagan community together.

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