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2020 Sabbats

Download our rituals to adapt for your group or to design your own solitary ceremony, or simply to learn more about modern Pagan celebrations.


​Written materials belong to the authors who contributed their work on behalf of Ancient Sea Island Continuum and may be shared and adapted for non-commercial use as long as no additional restrictions are applied and this attribution is included in all developed materials:  "From Ancient Sea Island Continuum (".  Re-use of graphics requires permission from Ancient Sea Island Continuum. No graphic or text in our materials implies endorsement of any company’s product or services.

2020 Imbolc

At the start of the Pandemic, ASIC wove craft and narrative to illustrate this ancient sabbat.

2020 | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC

2020 Mabon

In the midst of the Pandemic, ASIC produced a virtual worship service, with participants from around the world for a meaningful global sabbat.

ASIC (2020) Mabon TOC.png

2020 Yule Tableau

The USCB Center for the Arts and the City of Beaufort co-sponsored outdoor displays of Winter Solstice traditions in December 2020.  Celebrate the Season was a walkable outdoor art installation for the enjoyment and education of families and an excellent opportunity to discover others' traditions for a better understanding of the diverse and growing cultures in Beaufort County, South Carolina.

ASIC (2020) Yule Tableau TOC.png
2020 | Yule | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC
2020 | Yule | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC
2020 | Yule | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC
2020 | Yule | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC
2020 | Yule | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC
2020 | Yule | Sabbat | Ritual | Aancient Sea Island Continuum | The CUUPS Pagan Wiccan Witch community of Beaufort SC
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