ASIC Imbolc — February 1, 2025
As the days lengthen bit by bit, Imbolc is around the time this change really starts to show. The end of the day has noticeably more light, even though the trees and grass are still in winter’s grip. The divine spark that was born in midwinter is growing, and nature is beginning to wake up. Remember the intentions for the new year you made? Now is the time to clear the way for them to grow, symbolically, and maybe literally!
It's still early in the season to decide... Will we celebrate outdoors on a Saturday afternoon, or if it is too cold, should we meet up somewhere for hot drinks and food?
Select the Contact ASIC button below if you would like to help or visit our Facebook page by selecting the link at the bottom to join in the conversation on how our group can best celebrate Imbolc. Blessed be!